Interested in getting involved? There is a way for anyone to help out!

Sponsor a Child!

Support a child by paying for their tuition! In Uganda, a little money towards education goes a very long way. Tuition money will be used to support a both a child’s education and the Queen of Peace Academy! Contact Jane E. De Byle for more info.




Travel with Us

We would love to have you travel with us to Uganda! Projects can always use an extra set of hands and the experience you’ll get is like nothing else. To learn more, contact Sonia Manuel-Dupont.




Make a Donation

Everything we do takes a little money. Help out (via PayPal) if you can. SeeeMe administration is all volunteer, so your donation will go directly to the cause. 


Donate Stuff

We collect things such as  reading glasses, laptops, school supplies and books to take with us to Uganda. To find out what sort of things would be helpful, click here to learn more. 

Sell Your Unused Stuff

Watch the video below to learn how you can sell your items on eBay and give SeeeMe a portion of the proceeds.

Spread the Word

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