Instructions for Sewing Washable Menstrual
Pads for Ugandan Women and Girls
Cut Pattern Pieces
First, download and print the pattern and instructions
cut 2 of pattern piece A from 100% cotton
cut 1 of pattern piece A from rip stop or other waterproof fabric
cut 2 of pattern piece B from 100% cotton
cut 1 of pattern piece C from 100% cotton flannel
cut 1 of pattern piece D from 100% cotton flannel
cut 1 inch piece of velcro front and 1 inch of velcro back
NOTE: All seams are 1/4 inch (1/2 cm) unless stated otherwise.
NOTE: Use a straight stitch in place of serge or zig zag if those are not available.
Prepare the Pocket

Assemble the Pad Holder

Sew Pad Holder Pieces A & B Together

Attach Velcro

Sew Pad Insert Pieces C & D

Fold and Insert Flannel Pad Inside Pad Holder

Pad Use and Laundering of Pads
Position opened pad over the crotch of the knickers. Fold flaps around the crotch
and attach the velcro underneath the crotch piece.
Layer with 2 or more pads if you have a heavier flow.
Change pad as frequently as necessary. Usually 1-4 times a day.
Put used pads in the smaller Ziploc bag.
Pre-soak the pads in this bag for 20-30 minutes before washing.
Wash the pads in the larger bag by adding water and soap. Agitate gently to help
preserve the bag.
Rinse with clean water 2 to 3 times.
Dry the pads in the sun if possible as this helps to sanitize them.
Rinse the bags and dry them in the sun if possible.
Thoroughly wash and dry pads before reusing!
Dry completely before putting away for next use.
Store clean pads in a dry place.
Contents of Start Up Sewing Kits
Sewing instructions
Pattern pieces
Pad sample
100% cotton fabric
Ripstop waterproof fabric
Straight pins
Tape measure
Pin cushion
Eye glasses